About Us
The vision for MedWide Groups is to create a high-profile outcome Conferences based conversation that includes ideas, innovation, research and education and to help solve tomorrows challenges as a nation and worldwide. We are officially welcomes you to attend the 1st international Nursing 2k19 Congress during 12-13, 2019, KUALALUMPUR, MALAYSIA, Working with the Theme of: Exhibiting the Current Challenges and Possibilities in Nursing.
The vision for MedWide Groups is to create a high-profile outcome Conferences based conversation that includes ideas, innovation, research and education and to help solve tomorrows challenges as a nation and worldwide. We are officially welcomes you to attend the 1st international Nursing 2k19 Congress during 12-13, 2019, KUALALUMPUR, MALAYSIA, Working with the Theme of: Exhibiting the Current Challenges and Possibilities in Nursing bgf